Psycho Pix 
we created a film institute that helps with the funding of films. like many other companies (for example, working title), they have financial support from companies and banks that loan the money and then get it back in profits that the film makes overall, this includes market value and world wide success through box office sell outs. This helps to establish our film, in relation to actual films with working conventions such as production logos at the beginning and financial support. We have created our logos for our joined companies in order to make it look like a normal opening to a film would look like. Many other conventions used in our opening are; titles, in the right order consisting of director, producer and leading roles of the casting, Music and atmospheric sound to enhance the overall soundtrack, which progressed through garage band. We also used names of actors that no body knows, whom we made up. This establishes a story progression that they eventually appear in, and in relation to conventions, many films use this. We do this all just to increase the authenticity of our film, to make it seem as real as a film can get. Just by using different logos and company names, we're creating a atmosphere of film that considered on a professional level (that's what want to achieve).  LOREN

This company includes the initials of our names; Loren, Chandni and Latasha. This is a made up company to follow normal conventions of films and the opens, which shows all the companies involved, including the financial companies. LCL is a made up company which supports our independent film, teaming up with psycho pix for the production and distribution costs. We would be the creative team behind LCL and we would employ teams to help with script writing. But this is all made up in a attempt to give our film as touch of reality in link to other films. Along side Psycho pix and a film festival, this shows our film can be successful, starting off as a independent film, making it into the block buster success. This was suppose to be based on a true story, with a promotional website to back this up, and so that contraversal story line will already bring in success and word of mouth. LOREN

I created this production company, LCL productions to help give me an platform and a recognition to the production process for the film.It was important for us to show this to the audience so therefore we created a logo for the production team.This will be shown at the beginning of the opening.the logo helps signifies the genre the production company focuses on thrillers and horror due to the dark black and red colours used on the logo.CHANDNI  

Shadow Land Film Festival
We know film festivals don't provide financial support for Independent films, but it allows promotion of independent films, especially horror films. We created a made up film festival to show this film has support and has created popularity, from being unknown to successful because of this film festival. I wanted to put in as much info as i could in portraying this opening to be a successful film with real companies, real high status actors involved and film festivals which give support. Films don't tend to add film festivals in the opening, but i did this to challenge film conventions, in order to give my own twist to the opening. LOREN

Website analysis... 

Paranormal Activity

The site straight away gives us the trailer, full screen, almost as if it's forcing us to watch it. Against a black background it's more effective. By starting off with the trailer, it's already answering our needs, we click on this website hoping to see a trailer, and they give us one straight away. The idea of using audience reactions in the trailer is very effective: through twitter, Facebook and other forms of social networks, it establishes a trend of film. Everyone will want to watch this film, because everyone speaks about it, and with the bonus of links to networks and 'tweet your scream; it is really communication with its audience on a large scale. The whole layout of the website links to horror genre, and with its simplicity and dark tones, it really does let off a scary vibe.


Similar to paranormal activity, the website is keeping with the dark horror theme, establishing it is within that genre. It's also given us a trailer which we can reply, unlike paranormal activity, which only allowed us to watch it once. Obviously it works better for the replay, so we can watch it over and over again, giving us an idea whether we'd want to watch the film. It has many images of the props/machinery used in the film, so we get the idea it could link to torture. The words 'he helped me' shows us that there is a man, the main character who saves whoever is being tortured, so it relates to a heroic tale, but we're unsure what exactly happens to him, which only persuades us more to watch it. Similar to paranormal activity, following the popular promotion of using social networks; it has links of networks and sites which show information and further videos of the film. 'Enter site' is in blood red (significance of blood) where it then gives us a link to another page that then goes on to give us links to related games and sneak peaks (everything someone interested in the film would need). This is only to further develop the promotion of the film and to in a way spread the word, to build up a controversial vibe.

The Exorcist

Even though this film doesn't relate to my ideas, and not so much with paranormal activity. But the reasons I chose these films website, is because of the controversially caused by it's promotion or its hype. I see a correlation between each of these sites, as they go for the intro being a little shot of the film and then a trailer, with links to more info. This pulls the viewer in, and then finally after the much persuasion, they are given the choice to go out and watch the film. The whole use of a trailer is to draw in the audience, to give little snippets of the film, to lure them in. With the exorcist website, knowing full well (even though I hadn't seen it at the time) there was controversy among this film, the website shows this. It shows us that it's making new blue ray disks, linking to galleries and further links to more information about what the film was and what kind of impact it had on the audience at the time 'THE SCARIEST FILM OF ALL TIME' in yet again to the use of blood red, suggesting it's an obvious horror with the bonus of gore. I will incorporate these ideas, to relate to mine, by using a trailer on the website straight away. So as soon as u click onto the website for 'pretty little mind' you are faced with the trailer, and then 'enter site if you dare' in the middle. This will draw in the viewer, persuading them to want to see more and then hence the opening. From analysis of the fonts, i'll be using blood red, however even thought my film will be a psychologial thriller, it will have elements of horror, we don't need to show gore in the opening, but they will presume later on in the film (even thought we we went ask to do it) that there will be elements of bloody gore. LOREN

Poster Analysis and Promotion... 

Posters Of Horror Films

Posters are very important in the promotion of films. If it's for the horror genre, it's there to shock the viewer into wanting to watch it, those thrill seekers will be in a way challenged by it. With the bonus of the reviews, which is very popular with promotion, with quotations like "THE SCARIEST FILM YOU'LL EVER SEE EVER". Also a common use with promotion in the form of posters is rhetorical questions, the persuasion of the film. You're addressing the viewer and digging into their thought process.

The images play a vitial role in adressing the viewers, and persauding them to watch it. If u anaylise posters, you can tell that the images are kept to the most simple they can be, as it dosnt want to show you too much, but showing you enough to make you want to watch it. In relation to my masked film, i looked at posters that show the masked villains and others that link to pyschological thrillers. The scream mask is a very effective one, and i'm most likly to want to copy this in relation to mine. However my title "Pretty little mind" dosnt shout HORROR, but it's showing us its a pyschological film, and with the bonus of using differnt colours and fonts, we can show them it's a thriller, slash horror. The use of text can change the perspective of the film.

The exorcist is a great poster to analysis, as it contains the words "THE MOST TERRIFYING MOVIE OF ALL TIME". It also has a simple image, darkened out with a light from the source of the evil reflecting on him. It tells us very little about the characters, showing us just one man, but from the title "THE EXORCIST" we can get a idea what the film is about. There is importance of the man, but we are not told of just who he is and what he does. "DIRECTORS CUT" does have its meaning, as it might be scarier then the original.

For my Poster I'm going to have a image of the mask I'll be using, with the letters in red, just like the Exorcist, because it shows its a horror genre. The white writing below it contrasts well with the red, but it's not the title. The font works well with each poster, and i believe if i keep my poster as simple as possible, it will be more effective. That's my goal for this: to keep things simple, but to use it well in contrast to how the audience will react. The mask is simple, but unsettling if paired with a misty background and black hoods. The title will be simple, but effective if paired with a mask, perhaps with eyes we can see into the black cut outs, showing the fear. I'm not trying to achieve a perfect horror film, but what I'm trying to achieve is for the audience to be unnerved and distorted.  LOREN

Promotional Website

I created this website in my own time, to help out with the promotional side of our film. Because our film was based on true events, i needed to back this up, and as i was using blog for our evaulation, i had to use the wix website. At first i tried to set up the main evaluation onto the website but it was quite hard to do especialy with all thw written work needed to be done. Instead i did a promotional website, to explore a better use of wix in the form of a advertisng campaign. This included the main missing poster, Feedback of film, Quotes from cast and crew, info to back up the true events that our film was based around and other forms of communcation (facebook and twitter). I had researched different websites such as paranormal activty and had copied the conventions of twitter and facebook as well as a trailer which i edited from bits of the main filming. LOREN


This is the poster we used to promote our film. It's a missing poster of the main actress, and this will create a buzzing repsonce. People will want to know what happened and why, and then go on to see the film. The build up of having all of these posters around will create a buzz and spread the word, already creating success in cinemas. This is how we would attract our audience; recreating the events that would of happened, and adding a twist. No details of the film actually appear, and so people will spread the word. People will then look up Lara Townsend or any relative infomation, and automatically you'll be directed to the main website which then gives you infomation on the actual events and film. The girl in the image is not the girl who was involved in the missing case, but the actress who stars in the opening. People might recongnise her from previous work, but as a company we did decide she wouldnt be a main stream actress of that famous at all. In fact when people google her, the films popularity will go up as well as her status as a actress. It's a win win situation and would perfectly in recreating the atmosphere of the actal events in the form of film promotion. LOREN

 A poster created by me was to be used for the promotion of the film. This poster would be be shown via technology, it is a practical way of giving an idea of the movie and the genre. This poster would attract its audence to come and watch the movie as it directly relates to the audience and make it look realistic, as people want to watch realty more and as the story is based on true event people would be more attracted toward the film. This would also attract the older audence as  the poster pictures a newspaper with the missing girl, therfore would create a hype, this also targets the older audience as well as they can realate to such news due to the fact adults read more newspaper and these news are often presented in papers. This would also create an excitement throught all ages and also make people talk due to the dramatic poster and people would automaticaly create the word of mouth, bringing  more audence this way of promotion would be the used not practicaly printed.CHANDNI

This can be seen in the promotional website as a means to attract our target audience. Trailers i believe is the most important aspect of promotion with any film, without it, people will have no acknowledgement of the film its self. This can we be shown before horror films in cinemas, or in between TV dramas relating to our films genre. This didn't take too long, but i used clips from our actual opening as we had no time to shoot any other piece of film. I used normal conventions such as titling, 'coming soon' and quotes from newspapers relating to our type our genre. This will help to cause a word of mouth 'did you see the trailer?' 'I head it has great reviews'....ect. LOREN

I have conducted a questionnaire on the reaction on the trailer of the film.
Below are some question that were asked to 50 participants in London. i have chosen to do it since i wanted to know what people would think of the the movie and whether we have chosen and used the correct way to promote our film. this survey is intended to be a form of promotion itself since i will be showing the trailer to these 50 people, who may be than interested in watching the movie and also it will create a word of mouth, which is the fastest growing promotional technique.

1) Name(optional):

2) Age:



5) how often do you go cinema ?
 a) very often
 b) quite often
 c) very rare
 d) never

6)What genre interests you the most?
a)  Romance
b) Thriller
c) Comedy
d) Action
e) horror

7)After watching this trailer how do you rate the movie ?
a) Very interesting
b) Interesting
c) Not sure
d) Not interesting

8)Do you think you would go to watch this movie in the cinema?

a) YES                              b) NO

9)Would you recommend the movie to anyone else?

a) YES                              b)NO

10) Have you seen any movie that may be similar to the trailer we have shown you?


The questionnaire was filled in by variety of ages and both by male and female participants.

60% of the people said they go to the cinema often
12%  said quite often
28% said very rare
2% said never

The most popular genra was thriller followed by comedy.

After the our movie trailer was shown to the participant many found it interesting.

37% found it very interesting
46% found it interesting
9% were not sure
8% found it to be not interesting

The majority stated that they will go to watch this movie in cinema's.
72%  revealed that they would go to watch this movie in the cinema
28% revealed that they would not go to see this movie in the cinema

80% said that they would recommend to others
40% said NO since majority replayed by saying they would want to watch it before recommending.

 The participants identified films such as Donnie Darko, Secret window and Psycho and similar movie.

After getting back the result I found that it was very useful for me to conduct a questionnaire since it gave me some idea on what people think about the movie and if we have achieved a good degree of success in the film , so than it will interest audience to my production of film. i have received some positive results and also helped identify other factors to work on in the future.